tic Current object. */ public function set( $property, $value = null ) { $this->orm->set( $property, $value ); return $this; } /** * Setter method, allows $model->set_expr('property', 'value') access to data. * * @param string|array $property The property to set. * @param string|null $value The value to give. * * @return static Current object. */ public function set_expr( $property, $value = null ) { $this->orm->set_expr( $property, $value ); return $this; } /** * Check whether the given property has changed since the object was created or saved. * * @param string $property The property to check. * * @return bool True when field is changed. */ public function is_dirty( $property ) { return $this->orm->is_dirty( $property ); } /** * Check whether the model was the result of a call to create() or not. * * @return bool True when is new. */ public function is_new() { return $this->orm->is_new(); } /** * Wrapper for Idiorm's as_array method. * * @return array The models data as array. */ public function as_array() { $args = \func_get_args(); return \call_user_func_array( [ $this->orm, 'as_array' ], $args ); } /** * Save the data associated with this model instance to the database. * * @return bool True on success. */ public function save() { if ( $this->uses_timestamps ) { if ( ! $this->created_at ) { $this->created_at = \gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); } $this->updated_at = \gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); } return $this->orm->save(); } /** * Delete the database row associated with this model instance. * * @return bool|int Response of wpdb::query. */ public function delete() { return $this->orm->delete(); } /** * Get the database ID of this model instance. * * @return int The database ID of the models instance. * * @throws Exception When the ID is a null value. */ public function id() { return $this->orm->id(); } /** * Hydrate this model instance with an associative array of data. * WARNING: The keys in the array MUST match with columns in the * corresponding database table. If any keys are supplied which * do not match up with columns, the database will throw an error. * * @param array $data The data to pass to the ORM. * * @return void */ public function hydrate( $data ) { $this->orm->hydrate( $data )->force_all_dirty(); } /** * Calls static methods directly on the ORM * * @param string $method The method to call. * @param array $arguments The arguments to use. * * @return array Result of the static call. */ public static function __callStatic( $method, $arguments ) { if ( ! \function_exists( 'get_called_class' ) ) { return []; } $model = static::factory( static::class ); return \call_user_func_array( [ $model, $method ], $arguments ); } }
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